Memory bank configuration for reading
This option allows you to select the RFID tag memory bank from which the data will be read. Available to read is choose between EPC and USER memory. This is an important element, because based on the selected memory bank, "Mask" reading filtering will work.
In addition, the option also configures the visibility of the protocol control (PC) in the structure of the transmitted protocol of the read tag.
The option is configured in the " MB_CONFIG; " line.
It consists of two attributes, which must be separated by the " : " character.
The first attribute (Memory Bank) is responsible for choosing the memory bank from which the data will be read.
- 1 - means reading data from the EPC memory bank
- 2 - means reading data from the USER memory bank
- 3 - means reading data from the EPC and USER memory banks.
The second attribute (PC status) is responsible for enabling/disabling of the protocol control (PC)
- 1 - turns on PC visibility
- 0 - means no PC reading
Example 1:
The option configured in this way says:
- Software will read data from the EPC memory bank (Memory Bank = 1),
- protocol control will not be visible (PC status = 0).
Form of data sent to the host:
Example 2:
The option configured in this way says:
- Software will read data from the EPC memory bank (Memory Bank = 1),
- protocol control will be visible (PC status = 1)
Form of data sent to the host: